LICengineering has carried out a variety of research & development activities relating to offshore and subsea structures.
Offshore and Subsea Structures
LICengineering has carried out a variety of research and deveopment activities related to offshore and subsea structures. A selection of activities is listed below.
Driving of pipes Driving of large steel pipes with flanges to investigate the flange behavior when subjected to direct hammer loads.
Flange connections Detailed FEM and dynamic analysis for flange connections on large monopiles.
Upheaval buckling Structural analysis of subsea pipelines including seabed subsidence effects.
Structural integrity Supply of accelerometer and data acquisition package to North Sea oil and gas/wind operators for monitoring and theoretical management calibration of structural service lifetime. Furthermore, set-up of Digital Twin solutions.
Subsea pipeline Development of new structural analysis tools. tie-in spools
Subsea structures LICengineering has developed a piled subsea protection structure, drilling templates, porpoise detectors, bucket foundation for float out, tripod wave measurement stuctures and wellhead protection structure.
Wind foundation Various projects including EUDP projects.
ATP Wind structures Development of a strap suspended airtight platform included in a flanged monopile for platform installed onshore prior to pile driving. This is implemented on one of the first large offshore wind farms in UK waters.
ATP wind Development of a new patented AirTight Platform with Client for monopile/transition piece connections.
Monopiles Modal analyses.
Conductor design Adapt LIC methods to the new AWARE hydrodynamic loads.
Conductor verification Development of structural methods to include conductor casing connectors in the structural analysis.
Ships Ship impact and push-over structural analysis.

Conductor Design
LICengineering developed its own method for design of free standing and fixed offshore well conductors. The method determines the hydrodynamic loads including direct wave and current load as well as vortex shedding. This is combined with a calculation of the true axial loads including the casing programme, geotechnics and cementation into LIC programme DECON programme to find the ultimate and fatigue utilizations of the conductor steel and the connectors. This unique method is used all over the Danish North Sea as well as in many foreign waters.
Subsea structures
LICengineering has developed a piled subsea protection structure, which is widely used in the Danish North Sea, +15 units in operation with unit weights 40-120 t. Other structures developed by LIC include drilling templates, porpoise detectors, bucket foundation for float out, tripod wave measurement stuctures and wellhead protection structure.