Research & Development
LICengineerings Research & Development of theoretical & experimental hydrodynamics
Activities of Hydrodynamics
LICengineering carries out a variety of research & development activities covering both theoretical and experimental hydrodynamics. Some projects carried out with partners and within recognized research programs. A selection of activities is listed below.
VIV LICengineering has its in-house unique software for calculation of cross-flow and in-line vortex shedding respons on slender structures. LICengineering has participated in various experimental projects including methods which are verified against scale tests.
Shielding LICengineering developed its own method for calculation of shielding effects between slender offshore structures such as conductors, risers, jacket legs/braces, caissons etc. The method is based on experiments and potential theory. The methods have been used to optimize the load calculation on a large number of offshore platforms in Danish and Norwegian waters.
AWARE Abnormal Wave Assessment and Risk Evaluation. LICengineering takes a major role in the ongoing project for improvement of hydrodynamic load calculation for offshore structures, including the response from abnormal breaking ocean waves.
Tests Scale tests preparation for breaking wave, wind and and structural response tests in Danish waters with an offshore test station North of Anholt and in onshore test center.
Full scale wave measurements – LICengineering installed tripod wave measurement structures for laser doppler measurement of wave particle velocities in the water column, North Sea at 40 meter water depth.
Flowfield Development of flow field around special subsea structures, such as large oil and gas/wind gravity base structures.
Wave slamming Development of theory and computer code for load generation and fatigue calculation of 3D wave slamming occurence at structural brace members in North Sea jacket structures.

LICengineering has a wide experience within shielding due to hydrodynamic. Some examples are listed:
- J-tube cluster where shielding and blocking effects have a large influence (picture).
- Shielding in array of platform conductors. The detailed shielding analysis reduced the overall load and allowed for extra capacity to install a new outer array of conductors on a platform.
- Triangulation of the conductor arrayas part of input to the shielding calculation.
Resulting reductions in drag coefficient as result of the shielding analysis.
Tripod Structure
LICengineering designed, build and participated during offshore installation of wave kinematics tripod structures which were placed on the seabed at 40 m water depth in the Northsea.