Risers & Conductors
New risers, post-installed risers, repair and modification – engineering and design services within this area is LICengineering core business in +30 years
Well Conductors
LICengineering provides conceptual and detailed design work and structural analyses of offshore well conductors with significant works in Danish, Norwegian, British and middle East waters stretching more than 3 decades back. This work includes both free standing and jacket supported conductors. These analyses have utilized LICengineering‘s unique computer programs, developed for dynamic analyses, including both axial/functional loads, wave loads, and vortex shedding induced vibrations. Some of these jobs have included the special hydrodynamic load patterns, arising in conductor arrays (shielding/blocking). Moreover, some projects have related to immediate assessment and repair proposals for damaged conductor systems.
For offshore well conductor systems we utilize in-house developed software which calculates the true axial loading in various part of the conductor/casing system including soil effect, annulus cementing and hanger systems. As well as effect of gaps in the support systems, the methods are combined with our recognized in-house programs for determination of the VIV response and direct wave loading to obtain the true dynamic loading on the system. With these methods we have been assigned to calculate a major part of the exploration and fixed platform conductors in the Danish North Sea sector as well as many conductors in other waters. Part of this work is detailed fatigue analyses including performance evaluation of the casing connectors.
For platform risers we utilize a similar approach, and our methods are generally recognized to be more accurate and less conservative than traditional simpler methods. Detailed riser design pre- or post-installation on the offshore jackets is a on of our major work areas including single risers, caisson risers, piggy-backed or clamp bundled risers, J-tube systems and clamp systems for post-installation.

Conductor Shielding
LICengineering carried out shielding analyses for a large number of existing offshore wellhead platforms, in order to determine the true loading on the individual conductors and platform members as well as total load on the jacket structure, utilizing our in-housse shielding and blocking programs. In some cases it was possible to fit new conductor rows on existing platforms, due to the reduced load caused by shielding effects. The analyses can be used to reduce the blocking effects as well. Our methods have been taken into the newly developed modified design criteria caused by extreme wave events (AWARE project)
Riser Design
The post-installed risers are very large slender structures, subjected to harsh environment during transport, installation and operation. LIC deign activities also include lifting arrangements, winch placement on the existing platform deck structure, derivation of the installation method and installation procedures