Erosion Protection
LICengineering has performed counseling of erosion protection for islands of protection in Great Belt.
The foundations of the Great Belt Bridge consists of a total of seven islands of protection around the anchor blocks and the nearest side spars. The islands were established in 1998 in connection with the completion of the bridge. The counseling from LICengineering included protection of three islands of protection with rockcover.
The islands were exposed to the effects of waves and currents. The erosion toke place in the upper zone near the water table, where the wave influence was greatest. The counseling includes the necessary reinforcement, which is carried out with stone materials. The project included three of the islands should be reinforced in the critical angle spaces to achieve the required protection of the bridge against collision damage.

Moveable Scour Protection
Another project LICengineering has performed related to erosion protection is a project about moveable scour protection. The project was to investigate and optimise scour protection around wind turbine foundations when the surrounding seabed was expected to undertake changes due to movements of e.g. sand reefs. The investigation was based on the conditions at Horns Rev and is carried out for two different foundation types; Monopile and tripod foundation. Furthermore, model tests were specified to investigate the scour and scour protection effects. The tests were made firstly to investigate the mechanisms of the boundary scour process and secondly to investigate the scour process in combination with typical offshore wind turbine structures.
LICengineering has also performed a project related to scour with the The Danish Ministry for Energy. The Danish Ministry for Energy was via the “Energiforskningsprogrammet 1994” (The Energy Research Programme) supporting LIC and DHI in developing a mothod for scour assessment. The aim of the project was to establish a method for predicting the development of scour for a given structure to be placed aat the seabed.